Saturday, 13 May 2017

Our Beautiful Peonies

Our Beautiful Peonies

Hi again!

In case you guys have not seen our Twitter posts @blended_monkey, we thought we´d share with you some photos of the gorgeous peonies that keep cropping up in the main garden. They´ve appeared almost over night. 

Wild pond in the main garden

We inherited our lovely, very established garden when we bought our house two and a half years ago. The garden is set in 1.2 acres and includes two large ponds - one is more of a wild pond that plays host to countless frogs, fish and also various plant varieties, while the other is located close to the house in our "hot garden" and is a raised, formal pond. We believe this one dates back to when the house was originally a pub back in the 1600s. 

Formal pond in the hot garden
The garden was lovingly planted by its previous owner some 20 or so years ago, and it´s a real hidden gem. We´ve been surprised at how many people in the village have said that they had no idea our house had such a large and beautiful garden concealed behind it. I must admit, when we first viewed the house we were also quite shocked when we saw it. It´s hard work to maintain, but we really love it, and it provides us both with creative inspiration. 

Although there are some formal elements to the garden, including a Victorian-style knot garden, the "purple garden" which has been planted with purple roses and lavender, and a formal semicircular rose garden, we have allowed a lot of the beds to be fairly natural. We don´t want to spend hours every week weeding ... we want to enjoy the garden and also encourage wildlife to enjoy it too - so the odd patch of nettles here are there really doesn´t bother us.

Anyway, here are some shots of the peonies as promised 😁

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